Mr Kok Chong Poh
Kang Le day care patient

84-year-old Mr Kok heads to the Kang Le day care centre every weekday morning to spend time with his friends. The energetic Woodlands resident takes the free transport provided by HCA, arriving just in time for breakfast and an activity-filled day.

Having retired in his 60s, Mr Kok first learned about HCA Hospice six months ago when his son suggested that the octogenarian make the most of his time by keeping engaged instead of staying at home.

At Kang Le, Mr Kok loves partaking in daily activities such as arts and crafts, karaoke, mahjong, exercise, and chatting with his friends. One of the things he especially enjoys is how the volunteers always make time to sit and chat with him, patiently listening to his stories. "They really make you feel heard and valued," he says with a warm smile.

Mr Kok appreciates the HCA staff who take excellent care of him. He relishes the varied meals prepared with love by the staff and volunteers and quips, "Where else would provide such a good experience? At the end of the day, I get free transport back to my home! This day care has made such a difference in my life. I am no longer bored at home all day and I am now much happier."

Kang Le has become a place of joy and companionship for Mr Kok, providing him with a sense of fulfilment and community. Every day here is a new opportunity to connect with new and familiar faces, and enjoy life to the fullest.

"They really make you feel heard and valued."
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