Kimberly Ng
Home care patient

A smile envelops Kimberly's face when asked about what being on HCA Hospice's home care programme means to her. "A handsome doctor, sweet nurses and volunteers who care so much, and advice on how to travel well", she says with gratitude.

"The nurse would come so often that she has become a friend! Even on days I am feeling okay, she would still insist on video calling just to check on me; and we would often end up chatting about other things," Kimberly laughed, reflecting on the deep bond she has formed with the HCA care team.

Upon receiving a diagnosis of stage 4 cancer last year, Kimberly was referred to HCA and has since seen good and bad days in her fight against the illness. She is deeply grateful for the HCA team's unwavering support and exceptional care. In addition to the medical personnel who are on call for emergencies 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the HCA psychosocial services team of social workers and allied health professionals also regularly visit patients to provide emotional support.

When Kimberly and her family were deciding on whether to holiday in Japan together, the "handsome doctor" encouraged them with a confident "Why not?". He provided helpful advice on how to manage her illness, focusing on what she could eat and how to take care of herself so that she could fully enjoy the experience. As a former Singapore Airlines cabin crew member, Kimberly was thrilled to fly again and enjoy a vacation with her family while she is able to.

She is deeply thankful for how sincere and sweet the HCA team has been for supporting her, knowing full well that she is never alone on this journey.

"A handsome doctor, sweet nurses and volunteers who care so much, and advice on how to travel well."
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