Ivy Cheok
HCA volunteer

Ivy is not your average 77-year-old. She is an avid hiker, and for over 27 years, has been dedicating her time to volunteering with hospices. She started out as a befriender, providing companionship and support to patients. Very quickly, she recognised her skills as a professional hairdresser could do even more to help patients feel better about themselves.

"I was visiting a patient and noticed he needed a haircut," Ivy recalls. "I realised patients feel better about themselves when they feel that they look presentable."

Inspired, Ivy recruited a few of her hairdresser friends and began offering free hairdressing services once a month at Oasis@Outram. The patients love it, and Ivy finds immense joy in seeing their face light up after a fresh haircut.

One evening, while cooking dinner for her family, Ivy received an urgent call from a patient's family because the patient had asked to see her. Without hesitation, she rushed to the patient's home and sat with the patient, holding her hand and talking to her. In those final precious moments, the patient passed away peacefully in her company.

"I don't fear death," Ivy reflects. "My religious beliefs gives me strength and empathy. I want to be able to help patients relieve the fear and emotional burden as they take the next step in life's journey."

In addition to hairdressing at Oasis@Outram, Ivy continues to volunteer almost as one of HCA’s Vigil Angels, providing comfort and dignity to a patient in their final hours by washing their hair, body, along with changing their clothes and dressings. Her dedication and compassion are a testament to the profound impact one person can have on the lives of many.

"I want to be able to help patients relieve the fear and emotional burden as they take the next step in life's journey."
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